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很多人在购买手机的时候,通常会被一些手机参数专有名字忽悠住,不知道这些到底是什么意思?今天,我们就来揭秘几个常见的手机参数英文符号。希望对新手朋友有用。1.像素密度单位ppi像素密度单位ppi也称图像采样率,是英文Pixels Per Inch的缩写,即每英寸所拥有的像素数量。
英:STN has nematic LC which can twist from 180 degrees to 270 degrees or uses namatic LC display type. With a fixed angle, the straight polarizer shoots on to the axis of the LC molecule and because of the birefringence property, the straight polarizer becomes ellipse polarizer. By utilizing the existence of electrical field to control the LC molecule to stay in between the STN structure and vertical orientation, STN can be drove from the property of birefringence. Generally, they are in either yellow or blue color, and it can display white color when special phase film or compensated LC board. This also applies to color display. Comparing with TN, it has a wider viewing angle, but the disadvantage is slow in response speed.