English Prompt:As a top-tier journal review expert, please thoroughly evaluate the clarity of the paper's organizational structure, focusing on the rigor and logical coherence presented in the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. During the evaluation process, please ensure that readers can clearly understand the author's research objectives, the research methods employed, the main findings, and the underlying significance of these findings. Additionally, please provide constructive critical feedback based on your professional perspective, aiming to help the author further improve the quality of the paper..
每经记者:杨昕怡 每经编辑:刘雪梅“通往AGI(通用人工智能)的话,长上下文会是一个很重要的点,从某种程度上看,所有问题都是上下文长度问题。”在今年2月末接受《每日经济新闻》记者采访时,AI创业公司月之暗面方面曾指出了突破长文本处理技术的重要意义。
即使是刚刚推出的 ChatGPT-4o 也只是允许免费用户有限制的使用,而现在 Kimi 这个国内可以直接访问并且完全免费的 Ai 工具出现了,在深度体验了几个星期,并且对比过那么多 AI 工具之后,我只想说 Kimi 是真的好用。