中国的除夕是农历十二月三十日。这是一个辞旧迎新的日子。除夕夜,人们全家团聚,点红灯笼,彻夜守岁。 Chinese New Year’s Eve falls on the 30th day of the 12th lunar month.
来源:【赣南日报】春节是我们中国人一生当中最隆重最欢乐的节日。它承载着国人最热烈的情绪和最好的情感。The Spring Festival,is the most ceremonious and joyful festival in our Chinese life.
Childrenmay be familiar with western holidays such as Christmas and Halloween these days, but how about our Chinese traditional festivals an
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West.
【来源:红网时刻新闻】红网时刻新闻12月31日讯(通讯员 蒋凤仪)为深化同学们对春节文化的理解,近日,株洲市一中高二年级英语组特别策划并举办了以“春节申遗我来贺”为主题的英语手抄报比赛。比赛中,同学们积极参与,用心创作。
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
“The Spring Couplet”, also called “couplet” and “a pair of antithetical phrases”, is a special form of literature in China. The Spring Couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription, usually an auspicious phrase, above the gate. Whether the family is rich or poor, educated or ignorant, everyone must put on the Spring Couplet to symbolize the hopes for the coming new year.“春联”或“对联”对立在中国是一种特殊的文学形式。
所以从那时起,在春节之前,人们会在房门上张贴红色的对联,上面写着他们对新一年的祝愿。Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, is a festival celebrated every year by Chinese communities worldwide.
Reunion Dinner: The reunion dinner is one of the most important customs of Chinese New Year's Eve. The whole family sits around the table and enjoys a sumptuous dinner, symbolizing reunion and happiness. The dining table is usually filled with various auspicious foods. For example, fish symbolizes “abundance every year”;