sometime作副词,其英文释义为“at a time that you do not know exactly or has not yet been decided”,意为“在某时”,可指将来,也可指过去。
Ihope I'll see you again sometime. 我希望哪天再见到你。Please come and have some coffee with me sometime. 哪天来和我一起喝咖啡吧。sometimes adv. 有时, 时不时地, 间或I som
around the clock字面上看是“围绕时钟”,其实,它是相当于“all day and all night”,“整日整夜,夜以继日”的意思,另外around和round都是相同的意思,也就是说也可以用“round the clock”,大家千万不要被它的表面意思所迷惑咯
Theback waves of the Yangtze River push forward, and it is difficult to keep black hair to white head.44、宁可今天抢一秒,不可明日等一分。
以更简洁的方式,去记录你每日时间消耗。• 帮助你跟踪时间,对时间的掌控• 时间线更好的浏览和修改• 分析和统计出当日,本周,本月的时间消耗• 可添加新的任务,自定义图标和名称• 克制你的拖延症用对比的眼光看世界。无比好玩!
It's twenty past two.past。What's the time?It's eleven minutes past four.minute,当分钟数不是5的倍数时,要在分钟数后加上minutes。