一个 Q版迷你小超级无敌赛亚人,,在手中,发出强大的攻击。A Q mini super invincible Saiyan, , in his hand, issued a powerful attack. With pure white hair, muscular, wearing an oversized black down jacket and oversized domestic sports shoes. He is handsome and cool, with exaggerated expression and proper finger proportion. He is presented in vray tracking style, Disney style under light tracking, and his eyes are shining. The picture has high-definition quality and vinyl characters, which makes the atmosphere of the earth punk more profound. The whole body is surrounded by a black horror background, with a 360-degree panoramic design and beautiful lighting effects, creating an amazing artistic style and showing the charm of spray gun art.
今年是鸟山明先生的经典漫画《龙珠》推出30周年,在与ape合作之后,《龙珠》将与:CHOCOOLATE 推出联名别注单品,合作系列选取了《龙珠Z》的形象,其中主角孙悟空更是换上了黑魂套装,值得注意的是这次的超级赛亚人连头发也变成了黑色。
北京时间14日凌晨,法甲第14轮巴黎圣日耳曼队主场0比1不敌里昂队,丢掉了联赛榜首的位置。雪上加霜的是,大巴黎头号球星内马尔在比赛最后时刻遭门德斯身后飞铲,随后含泪被担架抬出场外,主裁判在查看 VAR 后,将门德斯的黄牌改为红牌。