直播吧6月17日讯 今天,同曦男篮球员李云开更新了个人社媒。李云开晒出一个名为“球圈探员”的自媒体发布自己被同曦裁掉的新闻,该文还被腾讯新闻置顶,里面的描述也让李云开啼笑皆非。媒体人@球圈赵探长连忙发微博以示清白:“不是,球圈探员谁啊?
Photonic computing techniques have attracted great research interest due to their ability to perform ultra-fast artificial intelligence inference. An article in this issue delves into the transformative potential of photonic computing in the field of electroencephalography analysis. As the need for high-efficiency AI analysis of EEG signals increases, traditional electronic processors grapple with the energy demands of large neural network models. The article introduces an EEG opto-processor based on diffractive photonic computing units , marking a significant leap in edge computing systems. This innovative approach not only showcases real-time epileptic seizure detection capabilities but also paves the way for high-speed, energy-efficient processing. With rigorous numerical evaluations and experimental results affirming the high classification accuracy of this approach, this study heralds a new era of clinical diagnosis supervision and broadens the horizon for photonic computing applications in large-scale EEG signal processing.
新京报讯 (记者刘晨)7月15日,2023年CBA选秀大会在成都举行。来自新科CUBAL(中国大学生篮球联赛)总冠军广东工业大学的陈国豪当选状元,另一名热门选秀球员清华大学的邹阳在第5顺位中选。今年选秀共71人符合参选条件,其中30名大学生球员(不含港澳台)。
绿色中国北京9月5日电(融媒体记者 铁铮)国际灌溉排水委员会主办的国际节水技术奖评选揭晓。中国农业大学教授李云开获奖。这是国际灌排技术领域的最高奖项,每年全球只有一人获奖。李云开教授获奖是因为在“大田作物滴灌技术与成套装备”研究中取得了突出成果。