“如果一个人觉得素颜很舒服,就不应该被迫化妆。我们的缺陷让我们成为真实的人,让每个人都独一无二。”Angie Beasley, director of Miss England, told CNN in a statement on Friday: “We introduced the Bare Face Top Model round in 2019 as most contestants were submitting highly edited images wearing lots of makeup and we wanted to see the real person behind the makeup.”
在东京奥运会田径赛场女子 800 米的比赛中,19 岁的英国天才美少基利 · 霍奇金森以 1 分 55.88 的成绩摘得一枚银牌,这是英国女子选手自 2004 年雅典奥运会后,再一次在这一项目中获得第二名的佳绩。