当日,在2023-2024赛季NBA常规赛中,洛杉矶快船队主场131比102战胜犹他爵士队。4月5日,快船队球员诺曼·鲍威尔(右二)在比赛中上篮。 新华社发(赵汉荣摄)4月5日,快船队球员拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克在比赛中扣篮得分。
“If they were going to finish this series off, they were going to have to work for it,” George said. “That was just the mentality we came into this with. We weren't going to back down. We weren't going to just throw in the towel. The fact of the matter is, they got to beat us.”
北京时间2月23日,雷霆在主场苦战两个加时,以148-147险胜爵士。雷霆将最后一球交给乔治,他从中路突破,高高将球抛起,在比赛还有0.8秒时命中,雷霆以148-147领先。 爵士最后时刻完成了出手,但科沃尔三分不中,功亏一篑。