听音频请点击下面难度等级:D 级Farmer Dan's Ducks 农场主丹的鸭子Farmer Dan looked for his two ducks.He looked and looked.But he did not see them.农场主丹在寻找他的两只鸭子。
什么都会,最后还会温柔地抱住她说:I love my Dad, and you know what?很适合睡前阅读,翻开第一页“my dear little baby, do you need a kiss?”
亡羊补牢"Better Late Than Never"很久以前,在一个小村庄里,住着一个农夫。他有一个很大的羊圈,里面养了很多羊。羊圈原本是由坚固的木头和竹子建造的,但是由于时间久了,一个角落的木头开始腐烂,留下了一个洞。
今天我们给大家精讲一本很有创意的绘本Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do《晾衣绳上的衣服告诉宝宝他们的职业》。绘本通过展示不同职业的人们穿的衣服以及他们使用的工具,给宝宝介绍了七种职业。
asked the fox. The farmer told the fox to hide inside his barn. When the hunters found the farmer, they asked if he had seen the fox. The farmer answered,“No,” but at the same time, he pointed award the barn. But the hunters did not see the farmer point so they continuedon their way. Seeing the hunters leave, the fox ran out of the barn. As the fox began running away, the farmer yelled,“Aren't you going to thank me?”
cried the hen from the yard .She was walking about with three pretty chickens,and trying to find some food for them.
The Goose with Golden Egg下金蛋的鹅(下)More months passed and the Farmer and his Wife became quite rich.又过了几个月,农夫和他的妻子已经相当富有了。
94.Canyou tell me what this is你能告诉我这是什么吗95.Here we go around the mulberry bush我们绕着桑树丛96.How is the weather天气怎么样认识各种不同的天气,每天都可以问天气怎么样。
He walks and walks. Then he sees a small house. In the house, there is an old lady and a dog. The ugly duckling asks, “Can I stay here?”