奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂(Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame)纪念为篮球运动作出卓越贡献的球员、教练、裁判及其他贡献者,又或者是特殊的球队。成立于1959年,以纪念篮球发明人詹姆斯·奈史密斯而命名。少数人以球员和教练身份同时入选。
Yao Ming is the undisputed number one player in the Chinese men's basketball team, and he is also the most famous basketball player in China. Yao Ming participated in the NBA draft and was selected by the Houston Rockets as the No. 1 pick. He played for the Houston Rockets since then until his retirement.
羽毛球世界联会名人堂(The BWF Hall of Fame)为羽毛球世界联会向在羽毛球运动具有卓越成就的运动员和工作团队授予的最高荣誉。提名资格:获提名的人士必须为羽毛球联谊会的会员,并已从羽毛球运动退休达五年或以上;管理委员会仅在特殊情况下,才会考虑接纳仍未退休者的提名。
刘广亚、陈航、顾泓彬、TJ Cawley、Steve Rao、Anna Tilghman、Tommy Bunn、Cynthia Ball、Floyd McKissick、Vickie Adamson、Sig Hutchinson、梁捷扬、Hermann Liu、薛海培、牛志文、Alicia Speedy、Maria Cervania、黄莉清、姚国勳、官诗辉、欧红、张文雄 、宋鸽、吴相玥、李斌、肖美勇、李虹、严定、成家扬、潘浩、刘起国、江俞霖、黃蒙等60人参加了庆典活动。