例句:Don'tgo to bed too late at night. 晚上别太晚睡觉。11. At midnight 午夜时分,指的是夜里十二点前后。例句:It's too dangerous for a girl to walk alone outside at mid n
古诗“英译”:登乐游原(唐 · 李商隐)向晚意不适,驱车登古原。夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。At one moment in a late afternoon, sudden depression seized me for no reason.
Don’t cast awayThis handful passion of the bygone day,Which flows like running water soft and lightBeneath the cool and tranquil fountain,At dead of night,In pine-clad mountain, As vague as sighs, but youShould e’er be true.一样是月明,一样是隔山灯火,满天的星只有人不见,梦似的挂起,你向黑夜要回那一句话——你仍得相信山谷中留着有那回音!
All in a moment, they line the road like transforming angels, their frosty halos sparkling, and you go the rest of the way guarded and at pe