my family家庭自我介绍英语案例:在英语中,你可以这样介绍你的家庭成员:“My family is made up of four members. First, there's my father, who works as a doctor. He's a very caring and hardworking person. Then there's my mother, who is a teacher. She's very patient and loves to help others. I also have a younger brother who is in high school. He's very active and loves to play soccer. Lastly, there's me. I'm currently studying at university and I'm interested in art and music. We all live together in a cozy house in the city.”
每到新的生肖年,大家满心欢喜用英文分享这份传统喜悦时,却常常掉进翻译的 “坑” 里。你是不是下意识觉得 “蛇年” 就是 “snake year”?这么直译,虽然字面看着直白,却妥妥偏离了正宗英文表达,还错失了向外国朋友精准传递中华文化的好机会。“蛇年” 英文怎么说?
所以从那时起,在春节之前,人们会在房门上张贴红色的对联,上面写着他们对新一年的祝愿。Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, is a festival celebrated every year by Chinese communities worldwide.