九年级(初三)全一册 人教版 英语课本 分享给大家!欢迎关注@课外齐老师持续分享中小学教育心得、学习资料、课外知识和优质课外图书推荐、教育纪录片推荐等!立足于课内,放眼于课外。培养孩子终身学习习惯!关注@课外齐老师帮助家长更好的陪伴孩子成长!
Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride?用另一种方式重写一下。e. g. I wonder where we should go next. Could you tell me where we could go next?
You can _ _ the key words such as names and numbers. They will help you understand and remember what you hear.