在今天的视频会议上,我们一起讨论了一个proposal (提议,提案),其中有这样一句话:Although the immigrant population represents just shy of 6% of the region's population, it is n
the area or building at a station, airport, or port that is used by passengers leaving or arriving by train, aircraft, or ship。
lest的意思是唯恐,以免,免得。它是连词。1.经典语法书:所连接的状语从句里常用should或原形动词,表示以免; 生怕; 唯恐 :They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见。
3:Theshy 姜承録羞男 ------ shy即是“害羞”的意思,而“男”在LPL辈分中算是比较强的人才能拥有的称号,加上theshy直播中看起来很腼腆害羞,因此羞男是theshy刚刚在lpl出道时,观众喜欢叫的外号。
A cargo ship carrying over 1,000 containers of cherries, weighing more than 20,000 tons, arrived at Guangzhou's Nansha Port on Jan 11. This marks the largest single shipment of Chilean cherries imported through Nansha this season.
如:goodmorning, good news, midnight, certain, importantT在/s/后,会浊化成一个不送气的/t/的音,近似发/d/比如: stand, stop, style, stay值得注意的是,词尾的t,即使在s之后也不浊化,发 "Tur
乙巳蛇年已如约而至,双语君给大家拜年啦,祝大家蛇年所愿皆成,幸福安康。英语表示“蛇”的词有snake(蛇)、serpent(巨蛇)、viper(蝰蛇)、 cobra(眼镜蛇)等。 蛇年的英文该怎么说很多朋友的第一反应可能会直译为 Snake Year,但这个说法不够准确。