IT之家(约吗?微软Office Mix团队送你情人节礼物IT之家讯 2月13日消息,微软Office Mix是一款免费的PowerPoint插件,用户可以通过其创建并分享网络视频和在线演讲。
情人节是个浪漫的节日,在这一天每个人都花尽心思为另一伴制造浪漫惊喜。作为世界各地文化交流所在地的纽约,自2009年起,每年在时代广场都会举行一场名为“Times Square Valentine Heart Design”的设计比赛,以此来庆祝这个特殊的节日。
The tradition of Qixi dates back 2,000 years ago. In ancient China, the textile industry had long served as a pillar industry. So, we worshiped the celestial goddess Zhinyu on Qixi.
Der 14. Februar gilt nicht nur in Deutschland als Tag der Liebe und der Verliebten. Doch warum ist das so?
A young woman takes a selfie with her friends on a colorful pedestrian crossing in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday. The crossing received a makeover to mark Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls on Saturday.-是的,我了解你,伙计。
2月14日是什么日子?答:是正月十四!元宵节的前一天!但你看,街上这卿卿我我的甜蜜氛围(狗头),喔~原来是情人节到了哇~不知道你有没有好奇过,情人节为什么叫做“Valentine's Day”呢?Valentine到底是何方神圣,为啥要以他的名字命名这个节日?
前文at night和in the night,你能分得清吗?讲了有些名词要加冠词,有些不能加。今天我们来看另一类表场所的名词,这些名词加不加冠词the意思差别很大,比如in office是"在职/上台执政",而in the office是"在办公室里"。
Photoby Crew on Unsplash1. Address the elephant in the room把心照不宣的问题摆到桌面上来谈Knowing what your partner does is one thing, but seeing them in ac
今天分享一篇阅读。可以学习节日的话题时进行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。1. It is Valentine’s Day.今天是情人节。2. I will make a card.我要做一张卡片。3.
The spokesperson's office of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been engulfed with flowers and “thank you” cards sent by young people to appreciate the government's efforts to rescue and help Huawei's CFO, Meng Wanzhou, return to China safely. Pictures of flower bouquets of various colors are shown in an article posted by the office on Monday.