英文翻译:The ancient Chinese saying “As heaven maintains vigor through perpetual motion, a noble person ceaselessly pursues self-improvement” embodies the Chinese philosophy of relentless self-cultivation. Another vivid expression states: “Let the strong be strong as the breeze caresses the mountain;
外交适配:DeepSeek在翻译中采用“Let them be strong, like the gentle breeze brushing the mountain ridge”,通过自然意象替代武力隐喻,既保留文化内核,又规避“中国威胁论”误读。
前言:古语+科技,王毅的外交名场面 2025年2月14日,慕尼黑安全会议中国专场上,王毅外长用三句中国古话回应中美关系,现场金句频出。说到兴起时,他甚至调侃:这几句翻译可以找DeepSeek来帮一帮忙。这场发言被外媒称为中国外交的定力宣言,既绵里藏针,又暗含深意。
a noble person should strive tirelessly to strengthen themselves. There is an ancient Chinese saying that vividly illustrates this: 'Let others be strong as they will, like a gentle breeze brushing the mountain ridge;
因此,这句话的翻译可能为:“As the heavens move with strength, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement without rest.” 这种翻译不仅传达了原句的意思,还保留了其哲理深度。
据@CCTV国际时讯 ,当地时间2月14日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅出席慕尼黑安全会议,在“中国专场”致辞并回答了现场提问。在谈到中美关系时,王毅表示,中国人从来不信邪、不怕鬼,新中国就是在战胜各种艰难险阻中发展壮大起来的。中国有句古话,“天行健,君子自强不息。