韦氏词典的对它解释是这样的: to be nice to someone in order to be liked by or to get something from him or her .即: 为了得到某人的喜欢或从他或她那里得到一些东西而对某人好 。
今天为大家分享的是一个你绝对没在意过的单词!那就是▼ass(别问我为什么放个桃子)读音 [æs]n. 屁股;驴子;蠢人屁股(粗话,非正式)其实呢,当ass和某些形容词组合的时候它就变身,不再是屁股了"ass"变形计1.
我们来看看词典的英文解释:If you look at each letter like it was representing two people from a bird's eye view, the “O” represents the arms of those persons hugging each other while the “X” is evocative of two people kissing each other.
It can be used whether that was to sign a card to someone or to send a sweet text message. It's universally known as a message of love and affection, but have you ever wondered exactly what XOXO really means or where it even came from?众所周知,它是表达爱和情感的意思,但你有没有想过XOXO到底是什么意思,或者它是从哪里来的?