Do you want to live somewhere with a rich culture and a sense of history, or do you prefer more modern, international cities?好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了嘛?
在这个多元文化的时代,了解并准确运用外语已经成为我们融入全球社会的重要一环。然而,在翻译一些具有中国特色的词汇时,我们往往会陷入误区,比如将“富二代”直译为“second rich”,这样的翻译不仅不准确,还会让外国人一头雾水。
中考英语必备对应反义词 一、形容词类 1. big(大的) - small(小的)2. long(长的) - short(短的)3. tall(高的) - short(矮的)4. wide(宽的) - narrow(窄的)5. thick(厚的) - thin(薄的)6.
★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent =
]银灰色的,银制的grey[greɪ]灰色的,阴沉的black-and-white 黑白的orange-and-white橙白相间的bright [braɪt] 欢快的;明亮的 聪明的new [nju:] 新的old [əuld] 年龄在的;旧的young [jʌŋ] 年轻的dr
Words to use instead of very.用来代替 very 的词。Very accurate.非常准确。Exact.精确的。Very afraid.很尷尬。Fearful.害怕的。Very aggressive.非常具有侵略性。Ferocious.凶猛。
作者Scheffler博士是一位哲学教授,他认为,经济不平等确实是个问题,但其中缘由并不那么简单。It is impossible to ignore the great disparities of income and wealth in this country, and a great many of us are troubled by this state of affairs.