参考来源:O Banszegi, Jacinto, E., Urrutia, A., Szenczi, P., & Hudson, R. . Can but don’t: Olfactory discrimination between own and alien offspring in the domestic cat. Animal Cognition, 20, 795–804.
Campigotto, Adam J., et al. “Investigation of relationships between body weight and age among domestic cats stratified by breed and sex.” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 255.2 : 205-212.
来源:萌宠朋友圈 养过母猫的朋友可能都经历过,母猫在生育完之后,会将自己的幼崽叼给自己,大部分都会认为这是猫咪爱自己的表现,但其实还有其他原因。母猫将“幼崽”叼给你,不是因为爱你,还有其它原因,你了解吗?