这是一个地道又实用的表达,作文里一定可以用上。小结一下:deliberately ignore sth → turn a blind eye to sth, turn a deaf ear to sth,sth is ignored → sth falls on deaf ears。
On October 20, a special blind football experience was held at Beijing Blind School, where both sighted and visually impaired participants t
Our boss would rather close his eyes to the truth than figure out how to keep the company from going bankrupt.
“‘以下是一些用幽默方式化解老外阴阳怪气的回应示例,您可以参考:’小编告诉你的。“‘Hey, I think you might need a cup of coffee to sweeten your mood. I'm here to help if you need one!
EU's assertiveness weakened by divisions: China Daily editorial - Opinion - Chinadaily.com.cnThis is an editorial from China Daily.
她看到孩子们在上面玩,于是现在她喵喵叫让你摇她。Our Cat Had Kittens 2 Days After We Had A Baby. This Kitten Climbs Into The Lounger With Her Whenever He Has The Chance. I Think These Two Were Destined To Be Best Buds。
国防部正告民进党当局:“挟洋自重”没出路Ministry of National Defense Sternly Warns the DPP Authorities: Soliciting Foreign Support is a Dead End10月31日下午,国防部举行例行