针对这个词,The Free Dictionary给出的解释是:Conforming to a particular sociopolitical ideology or point of view, especially to a liberal point of view concerned with promoting tolerance and avoiding offense in matters of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
The smoke hung around for a long time after the fire was out.Do you want to come to my house this evening to hang out?
拍照, 照相,拍照片,拍一张照片,请看这张照片;请勿拍照,禁止拍照;美颜、P图、滤镜;相机、照相机、数码相机;好漂亮的照片;这么多“照片”,怎么用英语表达呢?都是“照片”:photo和picture,有什么区别?一,photophoto:/ ˈfəʊtəʊ /n. 照片 v.
小伙伴们周末出去嗨了吗?小编去太子湾了真心是人人人人人啊想必到了等到了G20的时候人群中一定会有几个歪果仁啦那么问题来了他们和你打招呼你听得懂吗?Asking the Way 问路May I help you ? 需要帮忙吗?Yes,please. 是的。
来看一个例句:I'm trying to learn about the other side of the picture. 我试着也了解事情的另一面。I just don’t like it. Do I have to draw a picture?