都彭是Simon Tissot-Dupont于1872年在法国创立的品牌,最初以生产各种高档皮具起家,直到20世纪初才开始制造打火机,后来还逐渐扩大了自家的豪华产品系列,相继推出男士服装及配饰、书写工具、男鞋、腕表、雪茄配件、眼镜、香水等。
打火机是一种小巧的取火器,现代打火机按使用的燃料可分为液体打火机和气体打火机;按发火方式可分为火石打火机和电子打火机。 最原始的打火机是从燧石点火枪衍生出来的。带强弹簧的扳机扣动时,击打在火石上产生火花,点燃于树叶。 1823年德国化学家备贝莱纳在实验室发现:氢气遇到铂棉会起火。
Maharajah-the word evokes the East,1001 Nights and dreams of a never-ending journey.In 1872,S.T.Dupont began designing exceptional pieces for the elite of this far-off world:luggages,leather goods and accessories.
法国都彭STDupont 与 锦标赛Tournaire、路易斯·阿尔韦托Luis Alberto 和 Frederic Krill等工匠合作,向其打火机制造 75 周年致敬。灵感来自印度王公宏伟的宫殿,精美的手工雕刻代表了宫殿的建筑设计。
a magical,thrilling word,full of promises.The sun has a rendez-vous with the moon,but the moon is not an early riser and the sun always sets too early...
At the end of the 1910s.decorators sought to break away from the sinuous curves of Art Nouveau.They found many new sources of inspiration;
镶嵌在黑色中国漆上的克拉克帆船图案象征着在美国海岸结束的漫长旅程。When he first stepped onto the soil that was to become America,Christopher Columbus was unaware of the power that this continent-with its peaceful shores-would one day have.Five hundred years later,Dupont celebrates the discovery of the American continent through a unique collection of objects with glowing bronze tones.A caravel motif inlaid in black Chinese lacquer symbolises the long journey that ended on the shores of America.