I don't need you. I don't need any of you. I've got my own people, and we'll show you up for the amateurs that you are. My people are shit hot. Do you hear me?
除了“滚烫的水”,Hotwater还可以表示大麻烦、困境,相当于 deep trouble / difficult situation,be in/get into hot water,处于水深火热中。
在这种场合下,请保持冷静。只要冷静下来继续进行下去就好了。They will need to keep a level head to deal with the problems they will face in 2011.
The weather was hot, without a breath of wind.由temperature 温度联想到hot 热的,warm 温暖的,heat 热量,加热和degree 度数,再发散到反义词cold 冷的,cool 凉的,freeze 冻结,也很容易联想到fire 火。
虽说很多地方都在下雨,但气温仍然一如既往的高,用“出门五分钟,出汗两小时”来形容再合适不过了。“热死了”“热死了” 也几乎每天都被人们挂在了嘴边。说到热死了,那么你知道如何用英语表达“我好热”吗?是“I’m so hot”吗?话说,你们那儿最近的最高气温多少度呢?今天的分享就到这儿,我们下一期再见!
在美剧《破产姐妹》中,Max跟Oleg说话时,就用到了这个表达:You are never gonna do better than Sophie. She is hot and clearly has no sense of smell.
四音砌盒:去学校办公室问问题,跟老外说我想找个中国人问。开口就说Find me someone who speak Chinese please. 对方说 Okay, you want Mandarin?
我们经常会听到有人说谁谁谁 “丑帅”。“丑帅” 到底是 “丑” 多一些,还是 “帅” 多一些?不得而知。但很显然这样 “帅” 的长相虽然不太符合主流审美,但从整体看的话,这个人却又散发出一种特别的性感。ugly hot = 丑帅。ugly 就是 “丑”,而 hot 在这里意思是 “性感”。