【成语】 安土重迁【拼音】ān tǔ zhòng qiān【释义】土:乡土;重:看得重,不轻易。安于本乡本土,不愿轻易迁移。【出处】《汉书·元帝纪》:“诏曰:“安土重迁,黎民之性;骨肉相附,人情所愿也。
【成语名字】:马齿徒增【成语拼音】:mǎ chǐ tú zēng【成语释义】:马齿:看马齿就可以知道马的年龄,比喻人的年龄;徒:空空地,白白地。马的牙齿有多少,就可以知道它的年龄有多大。比喻自己年岁白白地增加了,学业或事业却没有什么成就,白白地度过了日子。
用英文写商鞅立信的故事:Shang Yang Establishes Trust: The new laws had been formulated but not yet announced. Concerned that the people might doubt the government's words, Shang Yang placed a three-zhang-long wooden pole at the southern gate of the capital market. He offered ten ingots of gold to anyone who could move the pole to the northern gate of the capital. The people felt strange when they saw it and no one dared to attempt moving the pole.