美貌如花,天仙下凡,楚楚动人等:闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 倾国倾城 温婉娴淑 千娇百媚 仪态万千 国色天香 花容月貌 明目皓齿 淡扫峨眉 清艳脱俗 香肌玉肤 仪态万端 婉风流转 美撼凡尘 聘婷秀雅 娥娜翩跹 俏丽多姿 风姿卓越 顾盼流转 清丝纠缠 举步轻摇 明艳不可方物 艳冠群芳 剪水双瞳 美艳绝伦 神仙玉骨 楚楚动人 如花似玉。
的忧虑:regardless of concerns over互相谅解,相互理解:mutual understanding鼓起勇气:muster up courage首次露面:make one's first appearance面对斗争与改变:in the face of struggle and change服从志愿者组织的指挥:follow orders from the voluntary organization没有履行职责: fail to carry out one ’ s duties有不端行为:display unacceptable behavior损害高中生形象:damage the image of high school students标志着童年到成年的过渡:mark the transition from childhood to adulthood吸引注意:capture the attention完全一团糟: be competely in a mess被认为是权威:be considered an authority对某事不存幻想:be under no illusion about sth.—项有意义的活动:a meaningful /rewarding activity彻底信仰奇迹:believe whole heartedly in the great miracle相信...