近日,王毅外长在慕安会上引用了“他强任他强,清风拂山岗;他横任他横,明月照大江” 名句,引起很大的反响与轰动。这一名句出自金庸武侠小说《倚天屠龙记》,是小说中《九阳真经》的口诀心法。以下从出处和涵义两方面详细解释:---### **一、出处背景**1.
英文翻译:The ancient Chinese saying “As heaven maintains vigor through perpetual motion, a noble person ceaselessly pursues self-improvement” embodies the Chinese philosophy of relentless self-cultivation. Another vivid expression states: “Let the strong be strong as the breeze caresses the mountain;
分号巧妙分隔,保持着句式的工整对仗,“-”符号的运用则宛如音乐中的休止符,制造出恰到好处的视觉停顿,让人在品读译文时,既能感受到中国哲学的深邃,又能领略到英文诗歌独有的音韵之美,堪称在哲学意境与英文诗歌韵律之间找到了完美的平衡点。“Let him be strong, the breeze blows over the hills;
Let him be fierce, let him be fierce - the bright moon shines upon the great river. 重复结构“Let him be...”对应中文的“他...任他...”句式,“gentle breeze”突出柔和特质,“caresses”体现轻柔触感,“bright moon”强调月光皎洁,“shines upon”增强画面感,“great river”保持中文的恢弘气势.
a noble person should strive tirelessly to strengthen themselves. There is an ancient Chinese saying that vividly illustrates this: 'Let others be strong as they will, like a gentle breeze brushing the mountain ridge;
因此,这句话的翻译可能为:“As the heavens move with strength, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement without rest.” 这种翻译不仅传达了原句的意思,还保留了其哲理深度。
直译: “The cosmos moves with vigor;a noble person ceaselessly strives to strengthen themselves.”是否需要进一步调整风格?