一、AI是什么?AI是人工智能的简称,英文全称是Artificial Intelligence。简单来说,AI就是让机器像人一样思考和行动的技术。1. AI ≠ 机器人很多人以为AI就是机器人,其实这是个误区。AI的核心是"智能",而不是"机器人"。机器人只是AI的一种应用形式。
Recently, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly with the fast development of science and technology, so AI is no longer an alien notion to the public.Based on AI technology, various of automatic machines have emerged and those machines have done more of our thinking, which makes our life become easier and convenient. Meanwhile, we may become so dependent on AI machines that our brains may be starved of mental effort and regress consequently. Then a thought-provoking problem arises, will human brains be replaced by AI?