以下31个项目为BBC网站列出的大项:中文翻译均选自CCTV网站……注:(注解中的项目选自CNN网站)⑴ 皮划艇项目包括:⑵ 自行车项目包括:⑶ 体操项目包括:⑷ 除排球外,还有沙滩排球⑸ 游泳项目中还有马拉松游泳* 2016年奥运会新增比赛项目微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语(ID:
因此,在这里,我们想分享一些生活的智慧,希望你能早点知道。你为什么不去外面玩一会儿呢?Touching nature actually is healthy, and has been shown to be rejuvenating,触摸大自然就是接触健康的生活,而且也可以让你恢复活力,even if it's sitting in a park on cultivated grass under the shade of a tree.
随着越来越多的人预测经济将会下调,说服人们升级iPhone可能会变得很困难。Ming-Chi Kuo, an influential Apple analyst based in Asia, tweeted earlier this month that he expects Apple to raise the average selling price of the iPhone 14 lineup by some 15% compared to the iPhone 13 lineup.
The federal government is ending its free at-home Covid-19 test program this week, citing a lack of funding to preserve supply, a White House official told CNN on Sunday.
导语Standard English News(简称ST)是指正常语速播报(140词每分钟以上)的英语广播新闻。听懂ST是我国很多英语爱好者希望登上的台阶,但很少能做到。事实上,如果没有经过科学的、系统的、持续的长期训练,这个目的是很难达到。
比如说 I’m gonna take him down, make sure u get my back。当然,100%掌握一个英语国家的习语和短语可能很难,但我们可以尽量多学习,以便更好的理解美剧甚至外国文化。
You will need to show you can understand the meaning of a range of spoken material, including news programmes, speeches, stories and anecdotes and public announcements.