你一定听过“车厘子”的故事,这个音译的名字,比它的另一个名字——“樱桃”要流行得多。无论是商场里的价格牌,还是网上调侃时常说的“车厘子自由”,用到的都是这个 cherries音译过来的名字——车厘子。为汉字蒙上一层异域风情,可能正好方便了水果商们做营销。Photo by T.
Okra resembles fingers and because it's pretty slim and in delicate shape, it is called Ladies' Fingers.
It'sa terrible movie and it made $200 million. Go figure!这是一部很差劲的电影,却创下了两亿美元的票房。真是怪事!4. Blabbermouthblabber这个动词本来就指喋喋不休;胡说,乱扯,搭配的是on about:H
在干邑的法律法规中,根据储存年限,依次分为:“VS = Very Special” 是指最年轻的基酒,在橡木桶中最少两年,属于第一级,第二级 “VO = Very Old,VOP = Very Old Pale, VSOP = Very Superior Old Pale”,第三级,XO = Extra Old,Napoleon 。
可以用上诸如my past work experience is closely related to this job 句型,短语be related to 表现“于..相关”,也可以说 I am proficient in English,我很精通英语,短语be profic
More than 3,000 years ago, proto-porcelain just looked like bronze ware. Later, porcelain glazes became more varied. Down south, celadon took the show, and up north, white porcelain was the star.