7月10日下午,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂会见来华进行正式访问的所罗门群岛总理索加瓦雷。会见中,习近平主席指出,中国的太平洋岛国政策秉持“四个充分尊重”—— 所罗门群岛位于太平洋西南部,总人口约72万人,仅为中国的两千分之一左右。
A belief that women’s representation increases legitimacy informs United Nations peacekeeping policies and the foreign policy agendas of many states. However, we do not know how women’s participation alters support for UN peacekeeping within troop contributing countries. Based on gender stereotypes, the public may assume that women peacekeepers indicate that peacekeeping missions are more legitimate, which may increase support. Yet, if women peacekeepers are harmed, this may decrease support due to the gendered protection norm. Moreover, exposure to women peacekeepers may challenge gender roles. Using survey experiments in India and South Africa, this study finds that women peacekeepers’ deployment or death does not impact support for peacekeeping. However, exposure to women’s casualties increases support for women’s rights to some extent. Further, a survey of representatives of the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations reveals gaps between decision-makers’ beliefs about how women peacekeepers impact public support and the experimental findings.
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