随着体检和胸部CT扫描的普及,肺结节越来越常见,很多患者谈“结”色变,尤其是检查出5-10mm大小的磨玻璃样结节时。大家倍感焦虑和矛盾,会不会转成肺癌,不知道该怎么办了?那么 ,有什么方法能够解决这一 困境 ,给肺结节患者一颗“定心丸”呢?
参考文献:Pisetsky D S. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases collection on autoantibodies in the rheumatic diseases: new insights into pathogenesis and the development of novel biomarkers. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2023.
参考资料:1. Michael Mahler,Pier-Luigi Meroni, Xavier Bossuyt,and Marvin J. Fritzler.Current Concepts and Future Directions for the Assessment of Autoantibodies to Cellular Antigens Referred to as Anti-Nuclear Antibodies.ournal of Immunology Research Volume 2014, Article ID 315179, 18 pages.