理念:This design depicts immortal sailors. The sculpture was created in an undetailed integrity according to my individual understanding of art and aesthetics. In the composition, 8 sailor forms are advancing on the wild waves of the sea.The sculpture was designed to be made of steel plates. The statue is 350 cm high, 200 cm wide and 1000 cm deep. If possible, the statue will be placed on a pedestal that will be built over the sea.
今天,小编整理出一组周思聪和丈夫卢沉笔下的牛图,形象生动有神,笔墨爽快洒脱,牧童老牛,趣味浓郁,童真满满,具有田园风情,请欣赏!卢沉 周思聪卢沉 牧归图卢沉(1935-2004年),江苏苏州人,著名国画家、美术教育家,曾任中国美术学院荣誉教授,清华大学美术学院博士生导师等。