anti-poverty治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperityand chaos to decline中国新兴事物 Newly Sprouted Things中国电信 China Telecom中国移动 China Mobile十五计划 the 10th Five- Year Plan中国电脑联网 Chinanet三峡工程 the Three Gorges Project希望工程 Project Hope京九铁路 the Beijing-Kowloon Railway扶贫工程 Anti-Poverty Project菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project温饱工程 Decent-Life Project安居工程 Economy HousingProject扫黄 Porn-Purging Campaign西部大开发 Go-West Campaign。
Xiningof Qinghai Province in China, a city with a population of less than 2.5 million, is home to dozens of ethnic groups .
Cultural relics impart the brilliance of China's civilization, culture and legacy, and they bond Chinese people together with the strong ethos they embody. They are a valuable legacy from our ancestors and the protection will benefit future generations.——2016年4月,习近平对文物工作作出重要指示。
文化( culture)源于拉丁文 cultura,原意为对土地的耕耘和对植物的栽培,以后引申为对人的身体和精神两方面的培养。在中国古籍中,文化的涵义是文治与教化。广义指人类在社会实践过程中所获得的物质的、精神的生产能力和创造的物质财富精神财富的总和。是一种历史现象。
The Chinese government approved designating Jiujiang city in East China's Jiangxi province as a national historical and cultural city. With a long history and rich culture, the city’s traditional layout, construction styles and cultures have their own distinct features, and its cultural deposits and historical remains are of great value.1981年,国家建委、国家文物局等部门向国务院提交了《关于保护我国历史文化名城的请示》报告;