THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE can be used as demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives. We use THIS and THAT with singular and uncountable nouns and we use THESE and THOSE with plural nouns.当自报家门时,用THIS, 如HI, THIS IS ANDY / THIS IS ANDY SPEAKING。
This is Miss Chen. She is my English teacher. 这就是陈女士。This room is much bigger than the one next door.这个房间比隔壁的那间大很多。
所谓的指示作用和特指,也就是说在我们的日常交流中,在具 体的语境中,加了the的名词,一定是在语境中的各方都明确知道的事物。第2句具有指示性,所以要加。常见搭配: the same time 前1 + 前2 + 中 // 同时。