对于这句古话,DeepSeek可能给出了如“Though winds assail from every quarter, I stand serene, unyielding as the ancient pine.”或“Regardless。
版本2:As the heavens keep vigorous through ceaseless movement, the gentleman keeps striving through ceaseless self-strengthening.
当王毅在国际舞台引用“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖”时,DeepSeek给出的译文“All things grow together without harming each other, paths run parallel without conflict”悄然掀起认知革命——“道”被简化为物理路径,“悖”降维成日常冲突,两千年的“和合”宇宙观在译文中坍缩成线性逻辑。
DeepSeek的翻译版本迅速引发对比:直译版用“cool wind still soothes the mountain ridge”传递清风拂岗的淡然,诗歌韵律版则以“Let storms roar—still zephyrs grace the heights”展现节奏美感。
除了武侠梗,王毅还引用《周易》名句“天行健,君子自强不息”。DeepSeek的翻译堪称教科书级别:直译:“As heaven moves with vigor, a noble person strives tirelessly to strengthen oneself.”