该文出自于《世说新语·雅量》,《世说新语》是南朝文学家刘义庆编著的。这是一部经典性著作,它在古代文学史上有着重要的地位。“曹冲称象”、“司马光砸缸”、“凿壁偷光”、“孔融让梨”等这些 脍炙人口的小故事都出自于《世说新语》。书中有许多小故事,历经千年,依然鲜活生动。教学目标:1.
我是小学语文第168 号答辩老师,今天我讲课的题目是《王戎不取道旁李》,请问,我可以开始了吗?同学们,我们从今天开始一起进入第八单元的学习,请大家打开语文书109页,让我们来看一看单元导读,时光如川浪淘沙,青史留名多俊杰。
用英文写王戎识李的故事:Wang Rong Recognizes the Plum: When Wang Rong was seven years old, he used to play with many other children. One day, they noticed a roadside plum tree which laden with fruit, which was so heavy that the branches were bending down. Many children rushed over to pick the plums. However, Wang Rong remained still. When someone asked him why, Wang Rong replied, “The plum tree is growing by the roadside and yet it bears so much fruit. The plums it bears must be bitter.” People picked some and tasted, and indeed, it proved to be true.
本单元以“历史传说故事”为人文主题,编排了《王戎不取道旁李》《西门豹治邺》《故事二则》三篇课文,既有文言文,也有根据古代经典改编的现代文。PPT出示形象标签,齐读:孤独 仁慈 智慧 心软 勇敢 勤劳 聪明。