现代药典认为莲子是睡莲科植物莲Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.的干燥成熟种子。市场上常看到有红莲子和白莲子,其实都是同一种,只是产地和加工方法不同,均可食用,可以根据个人喜好和价格偏向选择。
❤️大家好,这里是阿芳爱美食,每天持续分享好吃的菜谱教程,愿幸福常伴你左右。 最近我家那位总是被起夜困扰,睡不好第二天上班都没精神,我看在眼里急在心里。到处打听各种法子,偶然间听小区里的张姐提到莲子百合桂圆汤,说她家那口子之前也有类似情况,喝了一段时间感觉挺不错。
参考文献: 王其超,张行言. 中国荷花品种图志. 中国林业出版社, 2005. Lin Z, Zhang C, Cao D, et al., 2019. The Latest Studies on Lotus -an Emerging Horticultural Model Plant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 3680. Sun H, Li J, Song H, et al., 2020. Comprehensive analysis of AGPase genes uncovers their potential roles in starch biosynthesis in lotus seed. BMC Plant Biology, 20: 457. Sun H, Song H, Deng X, et al., 2022. Transcriptome-Wide Characterization of Alkaloids and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Lotus Plumule. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 885503. Zheng P, Sun H, Liu J, et al., 2022. Comparative analyses of American and Asian lotus genomes reveal insights into petal color, carpel thermogenesis and domestication. The Plant Journal, 110: 1498-1515.