这是我亲自研发、100%主讲的第一套英文精录课程,也是【学长LEO· 去闯学院】的首个单词主题项目。它的使命,是解决无数人背单词的痛苦,是给你打一针强效鸡血,以4040个精选单词+4040句对应例句+12000个总覆盖单词+120节我亲录的课程,陪你度过背单词的水深火热。
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例:For the theatre manager's office, you go across the foyer and through the double doors, turn right, and it's the room at the end of the corridor, with the door on the left.
make new clothes for you为你制作新衣服make sth. for sb. try on试穿try on the coat=try the coat on try it/them on6. magic clothes有魔力的衣服7. walk through步行穿过。
人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真。Self-Introduction:My name is Yin Shihan, my English name is Carol, I am from china, and now I stay in Guangzhou. My majors are Business English and English Education. Because I studied five years' period, which includes three years of junior college and two years of undergraduate course.
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唐纳德·特朗普总统周六威胁要对中国商品征收10%的关税,中国的制造商正在想办法应对。Though Trump is proposing his biggest initial swing at Canada and Mexico with a proposed 25% tariff, the U.S. president still has China on his radar. After a report that the administration could delay at least some of the duties until March 1, the White House said Friday that Trump will follow through on plans to slap 10% tariffs on imports from China on Saturday. On the campaign trail, he threatened tariffs on Chinese-made goods of 60% or more.