publication什么意思单词解析pub,酒吧、酒馆,其实正式的写法是public house。English Pub 英国酒吧public,公众的、大众的、人很多的、大众。因为pub里面人很多,一个消息说出去马上就一传十、十传百了,是个向外发布信息的好地方呢。
publication /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 出版;点击音频收听跟读 ↓↓↓↓↓↓(网络问题不显示请关闭头条app后台重新打开)例句/词组:He spent his holiday writing reviews for publication.
请看例句:China has released guidelines demanding various localities across the country promote urbanization with a focus on county towns. The guidelines, jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council General Office, said that by 2025, major progress will be seen in the drive.
摘要:西方newspaper于19世纪传入中国,中西媒介的互为阐释让中国社会对该事物建构起不同于西方的认知。以命名方式转译为视角,能揭示促成认知差异的中西互释过程。关键词:京报 新闻纸 新报 报 媒介认知。
Alina Maria Pavelea, Bogdana Neamțu, Alexandru Pavel.Do social media reduce compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures?