『祈使句,and/or+陈述句』是一个常见的句式,大家要读懂并学会运用,举两个例子:Drop that gun, or I‘ll shoot you. 放下枪,不然我就打死你。Get at once, and you will catch up with them. 快去,那样你
2 militia: n. a group of people who are not professional soldiers but who have had military training and can act as an army 民兵组织;
A technologist is a specialist in technology, while a technician is an expert in techniques of a particular art, etc.
Die Neugierlücke teilt dem Leser gerade genügend Informationen mit, um ihn neugierig zu machen, aber nicht ausreichend, um diese Neugier auch zu befriedigen, ähnlich einem Cliffhanger.媒体在题目里告诉读者的信息只够让他们产生好奇心,但又不足以满足这种好奇心,于是就留下了一个悬念。
【点睛】 I was informed that I won the first prize in the writing contest and that there would be an award presentation in two days.
乙巳蛇年已如约而至,双语君给大家拜年啦,祝大家蛇年所愿皆成,幸福安康。英语表示“蛇”的词有snake(蛇)、serpent(巨蛇)、viper(蝰蛇)、 cobra(眼镜蛇)等。 蛇年的英文该怎么说很多朋友的第一反应可能会直译为 Snake Year,但这个说法不够准确。