Carl,我认识的一个美国人,在中国担任培训机构的英语老师,他觉得他教的孩子经常会用the day after tomorrow来跟他说周末的活动计划,原话大概是这样:I often thought it was strange that many students come up with these long and complex sentences such as “I will go to the beach the day after tomorrow”, when they could have just said “I’m going to the beach on Sunday”. Why would they say that mouthful “the day after tomorrow” when they could simply say “on Sunday”?
贾斯丁比伯Justin Bieber新单《Ghost》官方MV超清大首播,还有奥斯卡影后Diane Keaton倾情客串。开口脆系列!熟悉的比伯回来了,新单颇有早期作品的风格,上口的旋律与悦耳的歌声交汇,来邂逅秋天的第一份惊喜吧!
金针菇是种常见食材,打边炉、麻辣烫时经常吃到。喜欢吃金针菇的人,肯定知道它有一个英文名——see you tomorrow,明天见。意思是,今天吃下去的金针菇,第二天会“原封不动”地拉出来。不过,这种情况被人熟知的同时,也有很多人会产生疑问:为什么吃金针菇会“明天见”呢?
正文如下:Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone doing something. In the end, it never gets done. If we leave things undone, we will eventually worry. This will then cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.