第三章 运算符1.16 算术运算1.算术运算(arithmetic)主要指加减乘除、幂和舍入等运算2.说明Matlab有两种不同类型的算术运算:数组运算和矩阵运算数组运算基于元素的运算,支持任意向量、矩阵和多维数组矩阵运算遵循线性代数的规则字符(.
We mentioned earlier that Opricovic proposed the VIKOR decision-making method in 1998, which is a compromise ranking method, which compromises and ranks limited decision-making schemes by maximizing group utility and minimizing individual regret values. It is used in the following situations:Decision makers cannot accurately express their preferences;从之前的学习中我们可以学习到,在Matlab界面的脚本中,需要使用关键字if有条件地执行代码段。
如果 X 是 0×0 的空矩阵,则 Y = diff 返回 0×0 的空矩阵。使用 diff 函数和语法 Y = diff/h 求偏导数近似值,其中 f 是函数值在某些域 X 上计算的向量,h是一个相应的步长大小。
As a powerful, easy-to-use and flexible computational tool, MATLAB not only has a wide range of applications in science and engineering, but also plays an important role in education and research. Its rich functionality, easy-to-use interface and extensive support make it one of the preferred tools in many fields. With MATLAB, users can easily perform complex mathematical operations, data analysis and algorithm development, which promotes the development and innovation of science and technology.