阳光讯(记者 张志杰)春回大地,万物生辉。新年的喜庆依然浓郁,春天的生机已然来临。2023年2月14日下午,瑞朗幼儿园举行了别开生面的开学典礼暨英语月活动。动感十足的啦啦操表演为开学典礼拉开了帷幕。一份寄语,一份展望。
InAmerica, school starts around August to September, sometimes October. If they start earlier, they end earlier.在美国大多数学校都是在8月、9月份这个时候开学,有的在1
open school 也不是一个不存在的搭配,但它的意思是 开放的学校,开放式学校 ,在这里 open 作形容词,表示 “向公众开放” ;The kids go back to school next week.
A pupil introduces a wall with children's paintings on Aug 18, 2020, at the Xiong'an branch of Beijing Zhongguancun No 3 Primary School in Xiongxian county, Xiong'an New Area, Hebei province.不过,是不是去学校上学就不确定了,也有可能是去学校上班或者是有事要去学校办而已。
During the ceremony, Zhang, 64, recalled the first time she taught the classroom more than 40 years ago. Due to nervousness, she called her students “comrades” and they also made fun of her poor handwriting on the blackboard.她患有严重的肺纤维化、肺气肿、小脑萎缩、骨瘤、血管瘤、类风湿等17种病症,数次病危入院抢救。