台湾央行升息半码 今年经济挑战大作者 霭琳 台湾特约评论人美国联准会(Fed)宣布升息1码,结果出乎市场预料的是,台“央行”也宣布升息半码,跌破市场眼镜;台“央行”总裁杨金龙表示,“即使没有完全符合市场预期,也不能解读我们放鹰”,至于升息半码是为了“抑制通膨预期”心理。
来源:环球时报本报记者 倪 浩台湾“中央银行”7日发布声明称,对德意志银行、荷兰安智银行、澳新银行和花旗银行等四家在台外商银行开出罚单。据彭博社7日报道,台“中央银行”认为这些银行涉嫌协助国际粮商炒作新台币汇率。除上述四家银行外,另有两家银行因积极停止违规业务而免于惩罚。
来源:环球时报 【环球时报综合报道】国际货币基金组织(IMF)预估台湾今年经济增长率将达到2.1%,较去年10月预估的2.8%下调0.7个百分点。台湾《工商时报》12日称,IMF在这份最新《世界经济展望》报告中预期,今、明两年台湾的经济增长率分别为2.1%与2.
Abstract: The cross-strait financial exchanges and cooperation is an important content in the exchanges, and it has important significance for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and economic cooperation, but also for Taiwan and the mainland's economic development.In recent 30 years, cross-strait economic relations and financial corporation have become increasingly close. In the current trend of the regional economic integration background, the development situation of cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation put forward higher requirements to deepen cross-strait financial cooperation to further promote cross-strait financial cooperation and the future direction of the focus is mainly on the expansion of branches, expanding opening up, promoting cooperation and innovation, linking capital market, strengthening financial supervision, and so on. In the long term, the two sides should learn from the EU, ASEAN and other International financial cooperation and integration experience, to create a suitable financial cooperation and integration of the new model for cross-strait economic development.
赖清德 图源台媒 台湾前“立委”张显耀今日(4日)列出数据,并提到今年台湾地区上半年各项景气指标坠落,今年经济不可能会好,甚至可能更糟。张显耀强调,经济前景不明是台湾目前的困境,呼吁民进党台湾地区领导人参选人赖清德不要再乱许承诺、乱撒币。