胡豆儿 摄影作品向日葵的花海。朋友圈里最近出镜频率颇高的植物。向日葵,朴素而让人感动的花朵。热烈地绽放。单纯地生长。生命的歌唱。先来猜一猜,中文里,“葵”最初是指什么?1、向日葵2、秋葵3、冬葵4、红苋菜答案是:3、冬葵。冬葵,又叫冬苋菜,冬寒菜,滑菜。葵菜当年盛名。
Every time I ponder about the reasons why our predecessors would produce works with such inenarrable emotions, I find there seem some similarities between our minds. Yet I cannot help lamenting their literary masterpieces while I am struggling for the very cause in my innermost world. Now I come to realize that it has been ridiculous for me to equate death with life, long life with short life . The descendents view us just the way we look at our predecessors, and how woeful it is!