Hongwu Tongbao Shepherd boy riding an ox coin is a character story money cast by Zhu Yuanzhang in hongwu period in order to commemorate his childhood, symbolizing “Long live the Emperor”, “The son of Heaven is ten thousand years” and “peace and prosperity”. It was used as a bedside hanging decoration for the imperial palace at that time, and a small amount of it was taken out of the palace by the ladies of the palace privately. It was spread among the people and existed in a very small amount, with a very high collection value and investment value.
第一牛 低头吃草当下,咱们打工人皆自我调侃为牛马,仿佛承受着 996 模式的繁重劳作,在领导跟前逆来顺受,于自身而言获取着最为微薄的收入,这般比拟为牛马,着实无比恰当。今日,就让我们一同来领略一番古时真正的牛马,即唐代韩滉的《五牛图》!
来源:【阳光报•阳光网】文字整理/季风 图片提供/朱鸿编者按在陕西作家中,朱鸿先生的散文写作绝对排在前几位。他多年在陕西一所著名的大学教书,并致力于认真写作,也积极拓展自己的散文思考及实践之路。他是一位很敏感的人,敏感真正的善举和义举,说自己一再幸运地接受善举和义举。