英语小短文有声朗读:《一只新宠物》A New Pet Betty gets a new pet. It is a white rabbit. Betty gets a cage for the rabbit.
少儿英语儿童英语口语 300 句,让 3—— 12 岁的孩子开口说流利英语,各个学习、生活场景都应对自如。(一)打招呼,问好。1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon!
今天和大家分享的是《Dream English Kids Songs》,共计160首。Dream English kids儿童歌曲视频在Youtube上已经有超亿的点击量,简单、有趣的特点,让这些儿歌很受孩子们的喜爱。快来听听吧!
Mom, where is my cap?It's in your bag.在你的包里。I don't see it.Let's play outside.我们出去玩吧。Sorry, I can't. It's cold and windy.