“赞”别人除了有网络上的快捷键,拇指竖起的手势,还可以用口头上的表达。今天就来学学怎样用英文“赞”别人!1. Good job!干得好!2. Well done.真棒!3. Here you go.干得好!4. Terrific!太棒了!5. Topnotch!高手;绝对一流!
Unfortunately, economic growth has fallen out of fashion. According to our analysis of data from the Manifesto Project, which collects information on the manifestos of political parties over decades, those in the OECD, a group of mostly rich countries, are about half as focused on growth as they were in the 1980s . Modern politicians are less likely to extol the benefits of free markets than their predecessors, for instance. They are more likely to express anti-growth sentiments, such as positive mentions of government control over the economy.
小 Q :你觉得我的这件新外套怎么样?彼特 :看起来太棒了,"Good taste"!小 Q :好味道?彼特,你在说什么呢?彼特:我明白了,你一定是被我的糊涂搞糊涂了。这里的taste的意思是说你在 穿着打扮上很有“眼光”。小 Q :哪里,哪里。
Great! / Terrific! 好厉害!/了不起!You did so well. 你做的非常好。Nice work so far. 到现在,你都做得很好。Your hard work pays off, right?你的努力得到了好的结果,对吧?
1.卖萌 play cutee.g.Stop playing cute, I won’t let you wear my new dress.别跟我卖萌了,我是不会让你穿我的新裙子的。2. 赞 fabulouse.g.
在生活中,我们每个人都渴望自己做的事可以得到别人的认可,同样,我们在面对他人时,是否也应该为他人衷心地鼓掌呢?我们要怎样运用英文表达对他人的赞美呢?1.You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】2.You did a good job.
作者:沪江泰语 来源:沪江泰语 编辑点评:现在很流行点赞嘛。朋友发的QQ说说或是微信朋友圈,觉得评论太麻烦但又想表达有看过咋办?点个赞呗。泰国人则是在脸书或是IG上“玩点赞”来着。来学学“点赞”的泰语说法吧。文章中有加入了语音示范和相关对话和句子哦。