The shape of the character Jiaguwen can be divided into two parts: the inner part of the character is represented by two parallel curves, similar to the“Qi” character of modern Chinese characters. This part represents the breath you breathe. The outer part represents the eye. In oracle bone inscriptions, the eye is represented by two circles, similar to the modern Chinese character“Mu”. This part represents the eye that observes things. The whole meaning is“Observe your own breath”. In ancient times, people believed that breathing was closely related to life, so the characters of the oracle bone inscriptions embody the idea that people pay attention to their own life state.主编供图:香港DM德馬大中華非遺共創執行會。
五行属“火”的字有:犴 呈 辵 呔 甙 但 低 弟 佃 甸 玎 疔 盯 豆 囤 旰 灸 良 牢李 利 吝 伶 吕 卵 免 男 呐 佞 弄 努 求 忐 忑 町 廷 佟 彤 吞 托 佗 妥 巫 妖 佁 佔 志 豸 住 灼 姊足。