Cupid and Psyche is an extraordinary sculptural group by Antonio Canova, made in 1787-1793 and housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The artwork depicts, with a subtle and refined eroticism, Cupid and Psyche in the moment before the kiss, pre-announced by the attitude of the bodies and the glances that contemplate one another with a sweetness of equal intensity: their lips, while being extremely close, aren't still united. Their adolescent bodies, characterized by an exquisitely neoclassical anatomical perfection, are completely naked, except for a drape that just hide Psyche's nudity.
《丘比特与普绪克前往神界》布格罗 1899年 (找到爱人的丘比特不拿弓)在希腊神话中,团圆的结局少之又少,惨烈的爱情比比皆是:俄尔普斯冲入地狱拯救爱人欧律狄刻,却忍不住思念回望妻子,违背神明约定,转瞬把爱人送回死神怀抱。太阳神阿波罗追逐达芙妮,眼睁睁望着她一点点变成月桂树。
伊丽莎白的这句经典独白,正完美诠释了她与达西先生跨越阶层的爱情挣扎。雕塑上更清晰可见“W. Bouguereau. Pt H. Godet. St Salon des Beaux-Arts 1896”字样,代表这是Godet于1896年在艺术家沙龙上,以布格罗名画为灵感所作。
一 赫西俄德与《神谱》奥林匹斯是希腊境内最高峰,希腊人将神祇安放于此以示崇敬。《神谱》的作者赫西俄德出生可能略早于荷马。他出身贫寒,因家产分配兄弟失和(详见《工作与时日》)。神谱即神之谱系——从混沌之神开俄斯到奥林匹斯众神,赫西俄德试图一次性展示宇宙万物从无到有创生的秩序。